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The 5% Club. Season Pass

Habit science, behaviour change, + body and mind optimisation for an intentional life in the top 5%.


What we do:

We use applied neuroscience, neuropsychology and human behaviour concepts to help you understand why you do what you do, and how to cultivate the traits, behaviours and qualities to join the top 5%.

T5C is an exclusive club for those that want a truly remarkable existence, to see what they’re made of, and want to fulfil their potential. We’ve created a space with a concept-to-completion philosophy for creating inner and outer change:

  • The brain, and it’s many deep-seated templates
  • The mind, and it’s interpretation and perception of life and identity
  • Leveraging the innate functions of the different parts of the brain
  • The science of true and lasting change
  • Habit formation and deformation
  • The behaviours, mindsets, practices and beliefs of the top 5% of performers
  • Skills for planning, strategising and achieving mastery goals
  • A community of friends that are willing to #goforit with you

Who we are:

By joining T5C, you’ll have hands-on, like-minded, and sustainable support to effectively, efficiently, and finally create genuine and lasting change and improvement in your life, as well as, developing the traits of the top performers to pursue exactly what you want.

Contrary to popular belief, change is not the same as willpower - change is a science and an art, and it fundamentally underpins your ability to successfully adapt, transform and refine your actions, thoughts, beliefs and behaviours.

T5C is the birthplace of 5%ers - the ones that perform optimally in their desired pursuits and cultivate the characteristics and qualities of resilient, resourceful and responsible people that face their life head-on and pursue their goals without trepidation. It is what we call values-first living.  So whether you want to become a brilliant entrepreneur, an incredible athlete, a strong everyday human, a present parent, a supportive friend, a holistically well human, or you simply desire to feel like you are intentionally choosing and curating your life, T5C is home for you.

How we do it:

T5C teaches you practices, protocols, and core performance behaviours and qualities to gear your identity and life in the direction of what you want. Using our signature T5C philosophy, high performance experts, and our tried and tested approach to change and performance, we’ll deliver you:

  • bite-sized weekly practices and prompts for life integration to change the story of your life and self
  • monthly masterclasses with experts and our TEMCO founder
  • monthly rewards for our very own top performers
  • an interactive community space to ensure you have camaraderie for a sense of support and belonging (especially when it gets tough)

T5C is the place to come for true change, ultimate holistic wellness, and a high performance life.

Why we do it:

If you want different, move different.

"Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny." - Mahatma Gandhi

Your life is made up of a series of consistent and persisitent thoughts, actions, habits and beliefs, and so, if we want to change our lives, we start at the most microscopic level of change - what you think. After all, the thoughts you think repeatedly, become your beliefs.

There is an inextricable link between our repeated thoughts, our actions, our subsequent perception of self, and what we believe we can do, be and achieve. When we address the root of it all - developing a self story that is uncapped, filled with trust, and anchored in resilience - we unlock potential that can be realised. Laying new habits and behaviours of deep-seated and unaddressed beliefs and templates, is planting seeds in infertile soil.

The truth is, everyone faces challenges - procrastination, imposter syndrome, fear, overthinking, negative downward spirals, poor decision making, etc. - no matter how skilled, successful and talented they are, but the difference between the top 5% and the other 95% is that the 5%ers see the challenges as data that can inform a new strategy that they swiftly move into action, and the 95%ers turn the challenge in on themselves.

The T5C mission is to forge 5%ers.